1882 - 1955 (73 years)
Name |
Marie Elizabeth STEINHOLTZ |
Birth |
1 Apr 1882 |
Bjursås, Dalarnas län, Sweden |
Gender |
Female |
MN Death Cert Checked |
Y |
Minnesota Death Certificate |
1955-MN-030075 |
Occupation |
Hotel servant |
Death |
21 Oct 1955 |
Duluth, St. Louis County, Minnesota |
Burial |
24 Oct 1955 |
Park Hill, Duluth, St. Louis County, Minnesota |
Notes |
- According to the EmiHamn database, she is the Maria Steinholtz who departed from Göteborg 2 June 1902. Her place of origin was Bjursås, Dalarna län. Her destination was Duluth, Minnesota. She is probably the Maria Steinholz who arrived in New York on June 16, 1902, aboard the S.S. Cymric which had sailed from Liverpool. She was “held for special inquiry” because the woman that she was traveling with, Clara Erickson, was suspected of being senile.
Immigrated to the U.S. in 1902 according to the 1920 census form. Naturalized as a citizen in 1907, the same as her husband. The 1902 date was confirmed in the 1930 census although their ages at first marriage in that census suggests that they were not married at the time of emigration.
In the 1930 census, she was a servant in a hotel.
In the 1940 census, she lives with Florence and Roland at 2617 West 3rd Street, a rented residence. Marie had a sixth-grade education. She had no occupation.
In the 1940 city directory, she lives at 2617 West 3rd and is a cook. In the 1944 Duluth city directory, she is Mrs. Marie Anderson, a maid at the Spalding Hotel and living at 2808 West 3rd. In the street listings portion of that directory, the residents of 2808 West 3rd are: Alton A Gustafson and Mrs. Marie Anderson. In the 1946 directory, John E is living with her.
According to David, Marie left Ed after the accident that crippled him. (This is probably the reason why they are shown as having separate addresses for many years). Ed lived with Klara in Deerwood for awhile, perhaps while he was recovering or perhaps because he had nowhere else to go. It was because of her leaving Ed that Naomi did not like Ed’s wife. Elaine and Joanne visited Gladys and/or Florence in Duluth in about 1942. At that time Gladys and/or Florence was living with Marie. Ed was not living with Marie at that time.
Marie’s residence at death was 2215 West 12th Street in Duluth. The informant for her death certificate was her son, Roland E. Anderson, of Duluth. Marie died of a probable brain hemorrhage, a complication of cancer.
Person ID |
I1304 |
Don Carlson's Tree |
Last Modified |
11 Jul 2012 |
Family |
Jan Edvard (Ed) ANDERSSON, b. 24 Apr 1880, Olsäter, Öfre Ulleruds, Värmlands län, Sweden d. 7 Mar 1952, Duluth, St. Louis County, Minnesota (Age 71 years) |
Marriage |
6 Aug 1908 |
St. Louis County, Minnesota |
- as Edward Anderson and Marie Steinholtz
Children |
| 1. Gladys Eleanor ANDERSON, b. 8 Jan 1910, Proctor Twp, St. Louis County, Minnesota d. 19 Apr 1946, Duluth, St. Louis County, Minnesota (Age 36 years) |
| 2. Florence Irene ANDERSON, b. 25 Jun 1914, St. Louis County, Minnesota d. 10 Nov 1991, St. Louis County, Minnesota (Age 77 years) |
| 3. Roland Edward (Bud) ANDERSON, b. 25 Feb 1916, St. Louis County, Minnesota d. 2 Jul 1982, Duluth, St. Louis County, Minnesota (Age 66 years) |
Family ID |
F112 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
12 Sep 2019 |