1883 - 1956 (73 years)
Name |
Birth |
22 Apr 1883 |
Kandiyohi County, Minnesota |
- Eugene has 23 Apr; 22 Apr is in the church book
Gender |
Male |
Baptism |
24 Jun 1883 |
Kandiyohi County, Minnesota |
Confirmation |
16 Oct 1898 |
Kandiyohi County, Minnesota |
Minnesota Death Certificate |
1956-MN-007589 |
Death |
5 May 1956 |
Kandiyohi County, Minnesota |
Burial |
Clover Leaf Cemetery, Willmar, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota |
Notes |
- Mother’s name Berit.
Farming in Kerkhoven, Swift County, in the 1910 census.
He may be the Martin E. Ellingboe living in Plumer Twp, Divide County, North Dakota, in that state’s 1915 census.
He registered for the draft on September 12, 1918, in Benson. He was a farmer in Benson. He gave his nearest relative as Minnie Elllingboe of Benson.
He was a farmer living at Route 3, Murdock, at the time of Ervin’s birth.
In the 1927 Willmar city directory, he is Martin E Ellingboe, helper for the Great Northern Railway, living at 202 Anthony.
In the 1929 directory, he is still a helper for the Great Northern. He and Minnie live at 919 2nd E.
In the 1930 census, he and his family lived in Willmar where he was a laborer in a steam railroad shop.
In the 1932 Willmar city directory, he is Martin Ellingboe, wife Minnie, living at 919 2nd E. He is a helper for the Great Northern Railway.
In the 1940 census, Martin, Minnie, and Marvin lived in Willmar in the same house that they had lived in five years earlier. Martin is a helper at the Great Northern roundhouse. He has an eighth-grade education, Minnie a 5th grade education.
In the 1950 census, he and Minnie live in Minneapolis. Neither has an occupation.
Person ID |
I5130 |
Don Carlson's Tree |
Last Modified |
11 May 2022 |
Father |
Even Jørgensson ELLINGBOE, b. 22 Dec 1839, Vang i Valdres, Oppland, Norway d. 9 Aug 1911, Swift County, Minnesota (Age 71 years) |
Mother |
Berith Olsdatter TUNEIGA, b. 1 Dec 1849, Vang i Valdres, Oppland, Norway d. 1 Jun 1927, Kerkhoven, Swift County, Minnesota (Age 77 years) |
Marriage |
18 Jun 1872 |
Vang i Valdres, Oppland, Norway |
Family ID |
F3920 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Rasmine (Minnie) KNUTSON, b. 5 Feb 1888, Swift County, Minnesota d. 11 Jun 1972, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota (Age 84 years) |
Marriage |
11 May 1907 |
Swift County, Minnesota |
Children |
| 1. Ervin Benhard ELLINGBOE, b. 27 Mar 1909, Kerkhoven, Swift County, Minnesota d. 21 Feb 1958, Hennepin County, Minnesota (Age 48 years) |
| 2. Alain Rosely ELLINGBOE, b. 9 Feb 1914, Swift County, Minnesota d. 29 Oct 1981, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota (Age 67 years) |
| 3. Marvin Raymond ELLINGBOE, b. 21 Mar 1917, Swift County, Minnesota d. 8 Jul 1956, Redwood County, Minnesota (Age 39 years) |
Family ID |
F4047 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
11 Jan 2010 |