Matches 18,001 to 18,010 of 22,423
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18001 |
She is Marit Gunnarsdatter Kvien, I21942, in Jim’s VS. No spouse or children shown. She was born on Arnehaugen 96/10 under Kvien. Her parents were not married at the time she was born.
Called Marit G Gjevre in the History of Renville County. That history says that Marit was a cousin of A T Ellingboe’s first wife, Berit Lien. (Apparently Marit’s father was a brother of Berit’s mother.)
Although she is listed with her parents and siblings in Renville County in the 1880 census, a note says that she was “at Minneapolis.”
In the 1910 census, she is shown as having borne 3 children, all 3 still living. She is shown to have been married to Andrew T. for 13 years.
In the 1930 census, Marit, 69, was living with, and listed as a servant (“maid”) for, Sever Weflen, a 56 year old single farmer in Renville County. The Sever Weflen farm was located next to the residence of Iver A. Ellingboe. She is shown to have emigrated in 1866.
In the 1936 Minneapolis city directory, she lives with George and Agnes at 409 E 18th.
In the 1938 Minneapolis city directory, she lives at 1711 Portland Avenue S, apartment 23.
In the 1940 census, she lived at 1711 Portland in Minneapolis with her son George and daughter Agnes. Marit had had zero years of schooling.
She died at home in Renville of senility which she had had for 5 years. She had lived in Renville for 5 years and 11 months. Her death certificate lists her father’s name as Gunner Gjerre and her mother as Gro Weflen.
She is the Marith Gundersdatter of one of the Qvien farms in Vang in the 1865 census. That Marith was 6 years old and her father was Gunder Gundersson, age 28, and her mother was Gro Helgesdatter, age 31. | GJEVRE, Marith Gundersdatter (I6640)
18002 |
She is Marit Olsdatter Kvåle (?-1703), I7379, in Jim’s VS.
Super Mega has her born ca 1662 as does dwfrench1. | KVÅLE, Marit Olufsdatter (I21677)
18003 |
She is Marit Olsdatter Lajord (#I22262) in Jim’s Valdres Slekt tree. In that tree, her parents are Ola Christopherson Kvåle (1809-1903) and Berit Torsteinsdatter Kattevold (1821-1885).
She is Marit Olsdatter Qvale, #I8255, in Jim’s Ellingboe tree. In that tree, her parents are Ole Christopherson Qvale (1809-1903) and Kjersti Simonsdatter Søyne (1812-1864).
The Ellingboe tree record is the more recently modified, suggesting that it is more authoritative. The Vang birth record confirms that Marith was the daughter of the unmarried couple Ole Christopherson Qvale and Kirsti Simonsdatter Lajord.
Jim’s notes for Marit in his Ellingboe tree:
Marit was the illegitimate daughter of Ole Christopherson Kvåle and Kirsti Simonsdatter Lajord (or Søyne), according to the Vang church books, but I could not find anything about this in Anders Frøholm's Vang A.
The emigration records for Vang show that on 22 Mar 1862, Marith Olsdotter Ellingböe, widow, age 27, intended to travel to America with her two sons, Ole Olson (age 6) and Jörgen Olson (age 4). Marit was married in 1857 to Ola Jørnsson (born 1831, died between 1859 and 1862), who farmed a piece of land called "Plassen, Nørre Plassen or Jørnplassen, under Ellingbø, Nigarden, no. 33/1.”
According to the 1885 Minnesota census, her son Andrew was born in Ontario, although Arta Juneau believes that he was born soon after Marit's arrival in Northfield, Minnesota, where her brother Tosten Quamme was already living. Apparently she never remarried and had a difficult life, dying in her sixties.
Marith, 27 a widow, Ole, 6, and Jørgen, 4, left Vang for Amerika on March 22, 1862, through Bergen. This was the same day that Thrond Iverson Ellingboe (#3164) left Vang for America with his family. In Marit’s emigration record there is no mention of Andrew. In a Norway Lake church record, Marit, as Ole’s mother, is reported to have come to Goodhue County in 1862 and to Norway Lake in 1868.
Could not find an entry for Andrew’s birth in the Vang parish record.
In the 1870 census, Mary and her three boys are living on the Cal Johnson farm in Benson Twp, Chippewa County, Minnesota.
In the 1875 Minnesota census, she is Mary Olsen, 29, living with her three boys in Kerkhoven Twp, Swift County.
In the 1880 census, Marit and her three boys are living on the V. J. Finstad farm in Kerkhoven Twp. George, 21, is “teaching.” Also living on that farm were Marit Ellingboe, a 46 year-old widow, “housekeeper”, and Marit’s two sons, Ole, 23, and Andew, 18. All four of these Ellingboes were born in Norway.
In the 1885 census she is living in Kerkhoven Twp with her sons Ole, 28, and Anders, 22, as well as Erland Johnson, 21, of Norway. Anders is shown as born in Ontario.
There is a gravestone for Marith O. Ellingboe in the Sunburg cemetery that provides the 1885 death date.
She was a charter member of West Norway Lake Lutheran Church. | ELLINGBØE, Marit Olsdatter (I6241)
18004 |
She is Marit Olsdatter Torpe, I13892, in Jim’s VS. She is shown as residing on Snøyo under Belsheim 83/1 so she is probably Ole’s mother even though Jim’s VS shows no spouse or children for her. | Marith Olsdatter (I24251)
18005 |
She is Marit Torleivsdatter Smådalen, I37455, in Jim’s VS. No information on her parents. | SMÅDALEN, Marit Tollefsdatter (I12706)
18006 |
She is Marit Torsteinsdatter Syndrol, I7028, in Jim’s Ellingboe tree. She is I13907 in Jim’s VS.
Knut and Marit were from different Søndrol farms and may be distant cousins.
In the 1865 Norwegian census, she was 19 years old, still single, and living with her parents and siblings on Søndrohl, mitre in Vang.
Vang A, p. 816, says she came to the U.S. in 1865. Earl Knutson’s research of the West Norway Lake Lutheran Church says that Marit died in 1883.
According to a Norway Lake church record, she came to Norway Lake in 1872.
She is not listed in the 1885 state census. | SØNDROL, Marit Torsteinsdotter (I4968)
18007 |
She is Marith Arendsdatter in Stephen’s birth and confirmation records, in Hendrik’s birth and confirmation records, and in Carl’s confirmation record although she is shown as Marit Andersdatter in the 1865 census. She is shown as Marit Andersdatter in FamilySearch’s record for Oline’s birth and death. | Marit Arendsdatter (I12987)
18008 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | FAST, M.J. (I14628)
18009 |
She is Marte Bjørnsdatter Kvam, I202, in Jim’s VS.
Jim’s notes, citing Bøye Kattevold’s (BK) “Gamalt frå Vang”:
BK skriver at hun kom fra sørre Kattevold, men det er ikke riktig. Hun var gift der, men kom fra Kvam. Faren hennes eide riktig nok en stor del av Kattevold, og kan ha brukt den gården, og kanskje er han derfra, men da Marte ble født, bodde ha n på og drev Kvam. Navnet Bjørn finnes også på Kattevold i mange generasjoner før dette. Det var barnebarnet hennes Gjartrud Bøe, datter til Mads Kattevold og Kjersti Gram som fikk en datter med stefaren sin Eivind Tune:
(BK "Gamalt frå Vang): "...So døyr Mads (faren hennes) og ekja ette hono (Kristin Gram) gjifte se att med ein steinrik bonde, eitte Eivind Knutson Tune 1722. Han flytte aat Bø og brukte gar'n saman med hono Nils, steson sino. Han fekk ikje bødn med kona si; men ho Gjartru, stedøtte hans, fekk eit badn, som ingjen vilde vera far aat. Ein dag um Hausten vart han Eivind og hona Gjartru med vesle baadne burte; de hadde søkt se ne i fjor'n uttafør Hamar. Gamle følk ha førtalt at dei hadde bønde se saman og kasta se utaaver høgste klippa. Dei sko ogso vera gravlagde paa strønden tett ve". Dette hendte 23.11.1736. Siden Gjartrud hadde gjort seg skyldig i blodskam og de regnet med at hun hadde tatt livet av seg, ble buet hennes dømt til krona (staten). Hennes arvepart av Bø, 3 1/28 skinn odelsgod, var siden statseiendom til midt på 1800-tallet, i lang tid det eneste rene krongodset i Vang. Løsøret hennes ble solgt på auksjon 28.9.1741 for ialt 5rd 3 ort. | KVAM, Marthe Bjørnsdotter (I2434)
18010 |
She is Mary Jo Kilde of Battle Lake at the time of Marlin’s death. She is listed as surviving her sister-in-law Sylvia, who died in 2011. | BAKER, Mary Jo (I10096)