Matches 17,961 to 17,970 of 22,423
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17961 |
She is I772 in Jim’s Ellingboe tree. | LEINE, Berthe Helgesdatter (I10904)
17962 |
She is I8150 in Jim’s VS. Jim’s notes: Hun var ugift og bodde på gården, men fikk datteren Marit i 1818 med Nils Nilson Hermundstad. Marit ble gift med Lars J Svien. | KASA, Guri Eiriksdotter (I3173)
17963 |
She is I8156 in Jim’s VS. Jim’s notes: De dro til USA med hele familien i 1854. Hun hadde tvillingbroren Jon, som døde før han ble døpt i kirken. | NYSTUEN, Berit Johnsdatter (I11094)
17964 |
She is I8170 in Jim’s VS. Jim’s notes: Hun reiste antakelig til USA, til barna sine der da mannen Lars døde. De hadde barna: Johan-Henrik (1842-1915) grb Svien 6/3 gift med Ragndi Ivarsdtr Uvdal. De hadde ikke barn, og ga gården til hans søstersønn: Lars Andreas Ødegård. Ingebjørg død e 1 år og 8 mnd gammel, Ingebjørg (1847-) til Kasa-Øydegarden, Lars (1851-), Guri (1854-) til USA 1873 og Ambjørg (1858-) som dro til USA med mannen Knut K Hermundstad. | KASA, Marit Nilsdatter (I26787)
17965 |
She is I8176 in Jim’s VS. Jim’s notes: Mannen hennes, Trond dro til USA med sønnen Johannes i 1876, og hun satt alene igjen på gården. Hun hadde livaure der i 1884. | SVIEN, Gjertrud Johan-Henriksdatter (I25872)
17966 |
She is I8325 in Jim’s Ellingboe tree revised on 24 Feb 2012. Jim shows no parents for her.
In his notes for her in that tree, Jim says: “She is probably the daughter of Knut Iverson Eltun and Gjertrud Thomasdotter Eltun. Knut moved to Bøkkadn (33/3) on N. Ellingbøe in 1868. Gjertrud's mother was Sigrid Ivarsdotter Kjerstein (1805-1879). Eltun is next to Kjerstein and there were many connections between the families. If she is this person, she would have been born 17 Apr 1863 and baptized 26 Apr 1863.”
She is not listed in Jim’s VS, either as Thrond’s wife or as Torstein Torsteinsen’s daughter.
Jim’s attribution of parentage to Knut and Gjertrud is not consistent with Anna’s 1884 marriage record to Thrond in which she is shown as Anna Thostensen Kjersten, age 20. It is also not consistent with the birth record for Anna and Thrond’s first child born in Maynard on 13 Jan 1886. In that Wang Lutheran Church record, the child’s mother is clearly shown to be “Anne T. Kjerstine.”
The parentage shown here is consistent with the birth record of the Anna born in Vestre Slidre (p.87, Vestre Slidre prestekontor 1856-1864). The farm name of that Anna’s father is something like Risiskeiet. That is consistent with Tosten Tostensen being on the Rusiskaaret farm in Vestre Slidre in the 1865 census. The bygdebok (Vang A, p. 239) shows that Tosten, son of Tosten Ivarsson Kjerstein, married Randi and left for Vestre Slidre in 1860.
Called Anna Thompson in MOMS when she married Trond in 1884. Called Anna Thostensen Kjerstein in the ELCA record (Our Savior’s in Sacred Heart) for that marriage.
Emigrated in 1867 according to the 1900 census. At that time she was 37 and a widow living with her family on a farm in Wang Township, Renville County. The household consisted of Anna, 37 (b. Mar 1863), Trond, 14 (b. Jun 1886 in Minnesota), Dina, 10 (b.. Jun 1889), Theodor, 8 (b. Oct 1891), Christine, 5 (b. Mar 1895), and Ida H., 2 (b. June 1897).
A 1913 land ownership map of Wang Twp, Renville County, shows that she owned an 80 acre parcel in or near the village or community of New Lisbon. Her parcel is contiguous and made up of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 9.
In the 1920 census, as “Mrs. Tom,” she was keeping house for her single, 27 year-old son Theodore in Tioga Twp, Williams County, North Dakota. She was shown, probably erroneously, as 63 years old.
Living with Helen and Helen’s husband at the time of the 1930 census. In that census, she was indicated as having come to this country in 1866.
In the 1940 census, she lived in Stoneham Twp, Chippewa County, with her daughter and son-in-law, Helen and William Kramer, in the same house in which they all had lived five years earlier. Anna had a fifth-grade education.
She died from pernicious anemia. | KJERSTEIN, Anna (Annie) (I6750)
17967 |
She is I8594 in Jim’s VS.
Jim’s notes:
Andris og Anne hadde barna: Marit (1723-1765) gift med Torstein Kristenson Hålien på Skjel i VS, Berit gift med Ola Knutson Høyme VS, Nils (-1762) grb på Kvien, Ingrid gift med Steffan Riste VS og Hallvard (1734-) grb på Vøvle 98/2. | ELLESTAD, Anne Nilsdatter (I2469)
17968 |
She is I8781 in Jim’s VS.
Although she is illegitimate, her parents later married.
Anders Olsen Kattevold was her “responsible person” or principal sponsor at her baptism. That Andris (I1993 in Jim’s VS) was gaardbrukar of Kattevold 45/ Øvre at the time of Randi Erichdatter’s birth. Other baptismal sponsors listed for Randi were: Niels Nielsen Böe, Christopher Tostensen Kattevold, Margrethe Christopherdatter Kattevold, and Anne Johannesdatter Böe.
There was no other Randi Eriksdatter shown as born in Vang around 1838. Randi’s parents, Erich Christopherssen Qvale, age 36, and the maiden Kjersti Endresdatter Kattevold, age 26, later married in Vang on 7 Jun 1842. For this marriage his father was Christopher Tostenson and her father was Endre Thronsen.
Quite incorrectly, Jim’s VS shows this Randi marrying Andris Thomassen Høyne, b. 1830, and having four children with him between 1857 and 1862 in Vestre Slidre.
In the 1865 Norwegian census, Rangdi Eriksdatter, age 28, seamstress, and her daughter Berit Jakopsdatter, age 5, both born in Vang, were lodgers on the Anders Olsen farm on Søndrebøe østre 37/ in the Hoved Sogn subparish in the Vang parish. | KATTEVOLD, Randi Erichsdatter (I24002)
17969 |
She is I8929 in Jim’s VS.
Jim’s notes:
Hun brukte Haugen fra mannen døde til sønnen Knut kunne overta omkring 1840. Karen og Per (Peder) hadde barna: Dorte (1812-1854) død som legdslem, Sissel (1815-omkr 1850) gift med søskenbarnet Ola Olsen Grihamar, de var på nørre Kvam, Ola (1817-18 18), Marit (1819-), Kunt (1822-) var først på Haugen, men i 1850 dro han til USA, Karen (1825-) på Njuko (Sørre Bøe) | EDSVOLD, Karen Olsdatter (I25737)
17970 |
She is I8947 in Jim’s VS.
Lived on Tune 36/1 Krøsshaug | BØ, Kjersti Jørnsdatter (I23248)