
genealogy and family history of the Carlson, Ellingboe, Everson and Johnson families of Minnesota and Wisconsin
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
17941 She is I5029 in Jim’s VS. No information on her parents.

Oluf was her first husband. Jim says: “When Oluf died, Birgit (or Bergit) married her neighbor Jon Jøgerson from Øvre Kvåle and he worked both farms until Birgit's son Jul could take over.” 
KVÅLE, Birgit Julsdatter (I2273)
17942 She is I5048 in Jim’s VS. He says that she died in 1881 but that isn’t possible and 1781 is before the birth of her last child. KVÅLE, Marit Jonsdatter (I24542)
17943 She is I5098 in Jim’s VS. Her father was Ola Torsteinson Kvåle, b. 1605. KVÅLE, Velgjerd Olsdatter (I2982)
17944 She is I5259 in Jim’s VS.

She is I8683 in Jim’s Ellingboe tree.

Jim’s notes there:

She was a tenant farmer at Kvåle and met her husband there.

13.5.1811 ble Berit dømt til å miste ein del av buet i husmannsplassen Hagastrønd. Frøholm skriver:"Buet var vel ikkje stort på ein lietn husmannsplass, men ho måte og svare 28 rd i sakskostnader og reisekostnader for forsvareren. Torstein Olsen Kvåle (1765- ) klaga hausten 1810 Thomas og Arnbjørg for forfalsking av smør, som Torstein hadde kjøpt av dei for å selja i Kristiania. Han hadde kjøpt av mange i Vang, men ville ikkje seie namna på dei han hadde kjøpt av. Han ville fylle eit by-lass. Arnbjørg og Torstein vart samde om ein pris på 10 rd bismarpundet. Torstein fann at det berre øvst og i botn av butten eller fustasjonen var godt smør, men elles ei blanding av mjøl og eit eller anna. Han tilkalla lensmannen og to vitne til å synfare smøret, og lensmannen arresterte Arnbjørg. Thomas visste ikkje noko, men Arnbjørg tilsto at ho for å få den avtalte betalinga hadde lagt i ei blanding av byggmjøl og poteter. Ho fekk så lite smør av kyrne sine det året. Vitna fann ut at det i butten var 22 merker smør, verdsett til 12 skilling marka, og 22 merker mjøl- og potetblanding til 1 skilling marka. Det Torstein hadde teke imot var knapt verdt 3 rd, og endå han ikkje hadde betalt det, måtte det inndragas, men Thomas fekk det utlevert til bruk, mot seinare betaling til statskassa. Thomas viste til fattigdom og til at han hadde fire små born. Retten tok atterhal om tiltale mot Torstein Kvåle for "land- og forprang", uloveleg oppkjøp og sal av varer utanfor byane." Thomas og Arnbjørg har nok måttet forlate husmannsplassen noen år etter dette, for i 1822 fikk Nils Guttormsen Øldre, sønnen til en tidliger buruker festesetel på plassen.

Thomas og Arnbjørg hadde barna: Ragnhild (1798-), Anne (1803.) gm Jørn E Ellingbø på Jørnplassen, Ragndi (1806-), Andris (1809-) og Ola (1812- ) han giftet seg i 1836 med Ingebjørg Andrisdtr Eltun. Han var først postkar på Nystuen, men da han giftet seg, slo han seg ned som husmann på en plass under Skogsatd Berit (1815- ) gi 1843 med Andris Tørrison Leineeiga [2]. 
ELLINGBØ, Ambjørg Olsdatter (I23744)
17945 She is I5280 in Jim’s Ellingboe tree. In that tree he has her dying in Øystre Slidre in “probably” in November of 1797 and buried in December of that year.

She is just Marit Nilsdatter, I17494, in Jim’s VS in an older record than the one in Jim’s Ellingboe tree. In that tree, Jim shows her as born in about 1715 and dying 2 Oct 1791 on Jarstad 47/1 Nordre in Vestre Slidre. She married Jøger Halvorsen Jarstad after Torstein Svensen died in 1761.

In neither tree does Jim show any information on her parents.

Sara Alvstad calls her Marit Nielsdatter Hegge and has her born on Lien in Hegge in 1710 and dying on Jarstad in Slidre on 2 Dec 1797. 
LIEN, Marit Nielsdatter (I24944)
17946 She is I53 in Jim’s VS.

Jim’s notes:

Hun var en meget dyktig bondekone og passet godt sammen med "Patriarken" Trond. De måtte få kongens tillatelse til å gifte seg fordi de var søsken- barn. Da hun døde 63 år gammel, giftet Trond seg, som da var 68 år med den 10 år yngre Anne K Bøe (1754-1829)fra Bøe 43/1 (Nerrebø). Hun hadde vært gift to ganger tidligere. Trond og Anne hadde ikke barn.

Trond og Kjersti hadde også datteren INGELEV (1770- ) Hun var forlovet med Helge T Lajord, som etter det som sies var en meget kjekk mann. Han bodde omtrent fast i Kattevold 44/ og hjalp til på gården. En dag skulle han kjøre posten for "svigerf aren", men kjørte gjennom isen ved Leine-osen og forsvant med post og hest. Ingelev ble boende i Kattevold resten av livet.

MARGRETE (1771-1851), var gift med Finnkjell A Leirol ((1737-1822) De var både på Syndrol, på Kvåle og i Hamre 60/. De hadde en sønn ANDRIS (1794-1869) Han drev Hamre 60/ og var gift med sin slektning Berit H Leine (1794-1874) de hadde ikke barn og ga derfor i felles testamentet gården til Trond E Kattevold som var fetteren til Andris og som var gift med niesen til Berit (Berte H Leine)

DORTE (1786- ) var gift med KNUT H NEFSTAD, de drev Bunde 97/3. Uten barn Han var oldebarn av presten Colding og altså nær slekt med Dorte. 
WANGENSTEEN, Kjersti Bøyesdatter (I23927)
17947 She is I54315 in Jim’s VS. Jim notes that she came to America.

In the 1900 census, as Bell Ellinghas, she is a 26 year-old servant on the Camp farm in Webster Twp, Rice County, Minnesota. She came to the U.S. in 1888. Mary Camp (#20830) was her 2nd cousin, once removed. Mary Camp was also her sister-in-law.

In the 1905 state census she was living as a 30 year-old housekeeper in Webster Twp on the William Clark farm, not far from the Camp farm. She had been in Minnesota for 15 years, all of that time in the Webster area.

In the 1910 census, she is a 36 year-old housekeeper on the William F Clark farm in Escelsior Twp, Kidder County, North Dakota. She came to the U.S in 1889.

She was still living with William F Clark (b. ca 1844 Illinois) and his son James L Clark (b. ca 1884 Iowa) in Excelsior Twp in the 1915 and 1925 North Dakota censuses.

William died in Kidder County, North Dakota, on 30 Aug 1926.

There are no matches with the Vang emigrants listed in the parish records.

Two trees on Ancestry have her marrying James L Clark and dying in Oregon in 1964. In the 1940 census, that couple lived in North Silverton Twp, Marion County, Oregon. James was 57, Belle was 67. They owned their house, worth $200, and they had lived there in 1935. James was employed as a lathe man for a handle factory. Belle had had 2 years of high school, James had only an eighth-grade education. 
ELLINGBOE, Ingebjørg Helgesdatter (Belle) (I10947)
17948 She is I54318 in Jim’s VS. No information on her parents or siblings.

In the 1900 census, she had had 6 children, 5 still living.

In the 1910 census, she was a 57 year-old widow, still on the farm in Deer Creek Twp. Ida and Anna are still single and living at home and they have a 5 year-old “nephew” Charles, born in Minnesota, living with them. Charles’s mother was born in Iowa. (He is Charles Ellingboe, age 9, of Deer Creek Twp in the 1915 Iowa state census. In that census, he was born in Iowa, his mother in Iowa, and his father in Minnesota.) Charles is probably the son of one of Emma’s daughters. Julia would be the most likely.

In the 1913 listing of Worth County farmers, Emma is of Carpenter, Section 33, Deer Creek Twp. A 1913 land ownership map of Deer Creek Twp, Worth County, shows Emma Ellingboe owning an 80 acre parcel, the eastern half of the northeast quarter of Section 33.

In the 1915 Iowa state census she is Emma Ellingboe, age 62, of Deer Creek Twp. She was born in Illinois. She is Lutheran. The value of her farm is $2000.

In the 1920 and 1930 censuses, Emma is living in Barton Twp, Worth County, Iowa, with her daughter Sarah Severson.

Her son-in-law Sam Severson was the informant for her death certificate. She was living with the Seversons at the time of her death. 
ANDERSON, Ambjor (Emma) (I10801)
17949 She is I5705 in Jim’s VS, the only child of Johannes listed.

She may be the Betsy J. Svien who attended St. Olaf Academy starting in the 1893-1894 school year. 
SVIEN, Berit (I8586)
17950 She is I5796 in Jim’s VS. (He has erroneously born in 1732.)

The bygdebok (Vang C, p. 413) has her, apparently erroneously, marrying Håvard Nilsson Ellestad. 
HÅLIEN, Sigrid Knutsdatter (I23548)

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