Matches 17,481 to 17,490 of 22,423
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17481 |
Semelenge | SEMELENGE, Nils Jenson (I3658)
17482 |
Semelenge | SEMELENGE, Jens Anderson (I3749)
17483 |
Semelenge 64/ | SEMELENGE, Marit Pedersdatter (I26385)
17484 |
Semelenge 65 | SEMELENGE, Jens Nilson (I3657)
17485 |
Semelenge ? | Audun Guttormson (I3648)
17486 |
Semelenge or Sæbu | SÆBU, Håvard Anderson (I3750)
17487 |
Sende | MIKVOLD SENDE, Johanne Jonsen (I26649)
17488 |
Sende | SKROVE, Maren Pedersdatter (I26650)
17489 |
Sent to prison for up to five years in 1946 on a morals offense. He had jumped bail in Minneapolis in 1944 and, while loose, had killed a man in Texas in a bar brawl. He was exonerated in the Texas incident on grounds of self-defense.
In the 1950 census, he and his wife and son lived in St. Paul. Leon Sr. was employed as a hog killer in a meat packing plant.
Sent to prison in 1952 for two to ten years for a road-rage stabbing incident. | COBB, Leon Lawrence Sr (I42048)
17490 |
Sep 13 in church record | Family: Conrad Mandius HANSON / Marit Andersdatter (Mary) ELLINGBÖ (F4557)