Matches 16,851 to 16,860 of 22,423
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16851 |
resided on Njuko | ELLINGBÖ, Anders Tollefson (I4062)
16852 |
Resided with Ivar on Eltun 13/ øvre. | ELLINGBØ, Ragndi Andrisdatter (I4894)
16853 |
Residence at death: 180 Park St., Sussex, WI. Member of Mount Zion Lutheran church, Henry L. Palmer Lodge NO. 301 F. and A.M., Palmer Chapter No. 87 R.A.M., Ivanhoe Commanderery No. 24 K. T., and Managerial Pension Club of International Harvester.
The JCC confirmation records show his baptism date as May 22. May 22, 1887 was a Sunday. April 22, 1887 was a Friday.
In the 1909 Milwaukee city directory, he is a trucker. He lives with his cousins at 154 S Bay.
In the 1910 census, he is a machinist for a culvert plant and lodges with his brother Oscar with a family in Two Rivers.
Registered for the draft in Milwaukee, date illegible. He was married and living at 1212 Burleigh in Milwaukee. He worked for International Harvester, Milwaukee Works 25. He was described as tall and of medium build with grey eyes and light hair.
In the 1920 census, he is living in Milwaukee with his sister Eleanor and his son Robert at 1373 Louis Avenue. He is shown as married but his wife is not mentioned. Walter is a machinist at an electrical something.
In the 1926 Milwaukee city directory, he is an assistant foreman for International Harvester Co. He lives at 1550 16th. His sister Eleanor lives at this same address.
In the 1930 census, he is shown as a widower living in a house he owns, worth $6000, at 1550 16th Street in Milwaukee. Living with him is his son Robert, his sister Eleanor, and his 25-year-old niece Clara. Walter is a foreman at a steel mill and Clara is a stenographer at a telephone company.
In the 1939 Milwaukee city directory, he is a foreman for International Harvester. He lives at 3532 North 16th with his sister Eleanor and his son Robert A.
In the 1940 census, he and his son and his sister Eleanor live at 3532 North 16th Street in Milwaukee, the same house in which they all had lived in 1935. Walter owned the house and it was worth $5500. He is a widower. He is a foreman at a farm machinery company, a job which earned him $3000 in 1939. He had an eighth-grade education.
In his World War II draft registration, he gave as the person who would always know his address Miss E.E. Ellingboe, 3532 N 16th Street. He was employed by Internation Harvester. His telephone number was Concord 2439M.
In the 1947 city directory, he is a toolroom foreman at International Harvester. He and Rose live at 3532 N 16th.
In the 1950 census, he and his wife and daughter Jane, and his widowed mother-in-law, lived 3532 16th Street in Milwaukee. He was a mechanical engineer for a farm machinery company. | ELLINGBOE, Walter H (I2350)
16854 |
Residence at time of Elias’s birth: “Stiklestad N, vald”
Dates and last name per “Sven Tore sin slekt” on Ancestry.
Geni World Family Tree calls her Martha Pedersdatter Landfald. | BYVALD, Martha Pedersdatter (I4170)
16855 |
Residence at time of Elias’s birth: “Stiklestad N, vald”
Dates and last name per “Sven Tore sin slekt” on Ancestry. He gives Elias’s death place as “Verdal, By” and Elias’s occupation as Husmann på Byvald. He also shows Elias’s (only) wife as Martha.
From the bygdebøk:
Elias Jensen 1779-1860 og Martha Pedersdatter 1786-1863. Det ser ut som Elias hadde en plass på Stiklestad nodre, men hvar han bodde, er usikkert.
Både Elias og Martha døde på Byvald, han i 1860 og hun i 1863. Elias og Martha ble gift i 1808 og de fikk fire barn:
B1. Petter (Peder) f. 1808 på Stiklestad nordre vald, d. 1883, gift i 1833 med Magnhild Johannesdatter, f. 1807, d. 1877. Begge var da bosatte på Bye, men senere var de husmannsfolk på Valstadvald.
B2. Jens f. 1817 på Stiklestad nordre vald, d. 1827.
B3. Marta, f. 1818, gift i 1839 med Ole Henriksen, f. 1814 på Sundby. Han druknet etter forlis under fiske på Folla i 1852.
B4. Elias f. 1820 på Stiklestad nordre vald, gift 1847 med Gurianna Hansdatter, f. 1827 på Fæbyvald. De ble husmannsfolk først på Baglovald og senere Byvald.
Elias var mest trolig husmann her på garden. | STIKLESTAD, Elias Jenssen (I4169)
16856 |
residence Hart County | TRULOCK, Ernest D (I14920)
16857 |
Residence in 1865: Digene Gård, Hedalen Parish, Søndre Aurdal, Oppland, Norway. In that census, the household consists of Mikkel, 30, Marit, 20, Siri, 2, Gudbrand Halsstinsøn, 60, Sigrid Mikkelsdatter, 62, and Abraham Gudbransøn, 22, shoemaker. Everyone was born in Søndre Aurdals.
In the 1900 census, the family was on Dikjene farm in Søndre Aurdals. The household consisted of Mikkel Gudbrandsen, b. 1835, jordbruger, Marit Eriksdr, b. 1845, Gudbrand Mikkelsen, tømmerkjører and jordarbeider (carpenter and farm laborer), b. 1876, Erik Mikkelsen, tømmerhugger, b. 1883, Anne Maria, budeie (milkmaid), b. 1886, and Martin Johnsen, dattersøn, b. 1891.
Called Mikke Nerbye Gulbrandsen Digene in the Norway Burial Index. | DIGENE, Mikkel Gudbrandsen (I1634)
16858 |
Residence in 1890: Olsäter, Värmland county | JONASSON, Anders (I63)
16859 |
Residence in 1890: Olsäter, Värmland county | JANSDOTTER, Kajsa (I64)
16860 |
Residence Lacey | SCHMID, Calvin Fisher (I5693)