Matches 16,841 to 16,850 of 22,423
# |
Notes |
Linked to |
16841 |
resided in McLean County | NELSON, Ragna Constance (I26767)
16842 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | KLYFTØGÅRD, M. (I3727)
16843 |
resided in Pinconning | LAPAN, Joseph Richard (I2584)
16844 |
resided in Pinconning | DIT CHAMPAGNE, Sarah M Huyet (I8401)
16845 |
Resided in Timmermansg. 62 Norrköping
She was called Blenda Sylvia Frideborg Rosen in the birth record of her daughter Ingrid Birgitta, for whom the father is shown as Lasse Lindström. | ROSÉN, Blenda Sylvia Frideborg (I1432)
16846 |
Resided in Tubäcken Brunflo | PERSDOTTER, Anna Christina (I719)
16847 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | BØE, B.O. (I3700)
16848 |
Resided in Vang i Valdres.
Han kjøpte Grøv av tanten til kona si. | WANGENSTEEN, Ola Olsen (I3731)
16849 |
Resided Odenslundsvägen 6 b Östersund | ROSÉN, Märta Dagny Kristina (I1436)
16850 |
Resided on Bøkko in the 1640s. The bygdebok notes that he paid a “koppskatt” tax in 1645 for himself, his wife, a son, and a daughter. | ELLINGBØ, Embrik Pålsson (I38970)