Matches 15,491 to 15,500 of 22,423
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15491 |
One of Ove Ovesen’s godparents (baptismal sponsors). Listed as “the trustworthy member of the congregation” who stood for the illegitimate child.
Jim Ellingboe says: The Ellingboe family came from "Nordigarden Ellingbøe" in Vang i Valdres. Christopher (1801-1879) and Berit Ellingbøe (1807-1897) left Norway in 1852 to settle in Wisconsin. They are buried in the Jambo Creek Cemetery. They brought with them 5 children - Helge, Anne, Randi, Anders, and Gulbrand.
Reported on emigration list #18 on March 8, 1852. Left Vang 14 April 1852. Left Bergen 12 May 1852; arrived New York 12 Jul 1852 on Bark Juno., , , , He arrived with his family: Beret Andersd, 45, Helge, 12, Anna, 10, Randi, 8, Anders, 7, and Guldbrand, 5.
Birth, christening, and marriage records found in VKB. Additional information from Frøholm "VangA", family records, JCC records, tombstone, Amerika brev from WI to brother Helge in Vang, letter from Bergen to Helge day before departure, etc.
Living in Two Rivers township, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin at the time of the 1860 census (August 18th). The household is shown as “Christ. Halgerson,” 59, a farmer with an estate valued at $100, Berit, 54, Halger, 20, farm laborer, Meiranda, 16, Andrew, 15, farm laborer, Gilbert 14, and two boarders (apparently): Torson Torrison, 50, “tanner and currier,” and Knute Thompson, 28, also a tanner and currier. (May be “farmer” instead of “tanner.”)
Living in the town of Gibson, Post office Larrabee, in the 1870 census. The household consists of Helge Ellingboe, 30, farmer, Christopher Ellingboe, 69, farmer, Brate Ellingboe, 63, keeps house, and a 16 year-old servant named Julia Halverson. | ELLINGBØE, Christopher Helgesson (I2325)
15492 |
One of the Annes, to be known as Anna, came to the U.S. in about 1887 and lived in the Christiania area although she apparently never married. This Anne, born in 1843, is sometimes shown incorrectly as the wife of Lars Soine.
According to the Lomen parish record for emigrants, Anne Thomasdatter Ellestad, b. 24 Aug 1844 (baptized 13 Oct 1844), departed for Amerika on 9 September 1887 with Guro Johannesdatter Egge, b. 9 Jun 1856 (baptized 27 Jul 1856).
She is shown as Annie Ellestad, 56 (born August 1843 in Norway), single and the “head” of a family (just herself) and living next door to her brother Peter Thompson in Eureka Township at the time of the 1900 census.
This Anne was living with her parents and her brother Anders and his family on Høine in Vestre Slidre in the 1865 census. Anne was shown as having been born in 1844.
She is probably the “aunt” living with her nephew Nels Arthur Thompson in Duluth in the 1920 census.
In the 1930 census, she is a “lodger” at the Augustana Home for the Aged at 1415 Tenth Avenue South in Minneapolis.
Died as Anna Ellestad at the Augustana Home for the Aged where she had been living for 12 years. The cause of her death was coronary thrombosis brought on by arterisoclerosis. She was unmarried and had been a “domestic” for 45 years. The Welander-Quist funeral home handled her funeral. | ELLESTAD, Anne Tomasdatter (I1954)
15493 |
One of the baptismal sponsors for her daughter Anne was Marit Asbjørnsdatter Berge, probably Anne A.’s sister born in 1873. | TRÆET, Anne Asbjørnsdatter (I33361)
15494 |
One of the FamilySearch sources shows her as “Johanne Johnsen (Fjeld).”
Not listed in the Næs census of 1865. | Johanne Johnsdatter (I4139)
15495 |
One of the reputable trees on Ancestry says that Gjertrud had no childen with her 2nd husband, Ole Olsen Lerohl and that her children came with her 1st husband, Ole Knudsen Kvam, born in Lesja in Gudbrandsdal. This appears to be incorrect. | BAGGETUN, Gjertrud Vilhjølmsdatter (I11080)
15496 |
One of the twins died in 1821. | RASK, Catrina Jakobsdotter (I11478)
15497 |
One of the twins died in 1821. | RASK, Gustafa Jakobsdotter (I11479)
15498 |
One of the witnesses to her baptism was Oline Pedersdatter Skagen.
Her age recorded in the 1880 census suggests that she was born in 1838.
In the 1900 census, she had had 9 children, 7 still living.
Died 15 days after Kari Bowe. | SVENDSØY, Anna Eriksdatter (I4349)
15499 |
One of the witnesses was Lillian Soine. | Family: Simon Peter PEPPER / Mamie A SOINE (F17415)
15500 |
One of Yvonne’s sources suggests that Amanda was a mail order bride. | ROXSTRÖM, Amanda Sophia (I17725)