Matches 15,441 to 15,450 of 22,423
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15441 |
On Baglovald according to Sven Tore | BYE, Martinus Eliassen (I55)
15442 |
On Baglovald according to Sven Tore, cemetery records say 23 Nov 1848 | BYE, Elling Eliasen (I1210)
15443 |
On Borgenvald according to his entry in the Death Register for Verdal 1801-1922. Birth record in parish registry says born on Borgen. | ØREN, Johannes Hansen (I1277)
15444 |
on Brekke | ELTON, Gjertrude Andersdatter (I34687)
15445 |
on Byvald according to Sven Tore | BYE, Elisæus Martin Eliassen (I1212)
15446 |
On Edna’s birth record, he is a 24 year-old machinist. On Edward’s birth record, he is a 26 year-old tinner. | LEWIS, Charles Baratt (I16062)
15447 |
On Eikum indre with her parents and siblings in the 1865 Norwegian census.
According to the out-migration records, Anne came to the U.S. with Thomas, or at least is listed together with Thomas and the Bolstads in their April 4th entry for 1867. The church book lists her right after Thomas as “piga Anne Monsdatter Eikum, age 23.”
Couldn’t find her in the U.S. 1870 census.
According to the bygdebok, she married Elias Jacobson i Vedviki. She died in 1910, he died in 1914.
Perhaps she chickened out of actually emigrating or else she returned to Norway. The 1875 census shows an Anna Monsdatter, b. 1844 in Urnes, Hafslo, as the wife of Elias Jacobsen, b. 1844, Gaardbruger, Selveier. They have a son, Jacob Eliasen, b. 1874 in Urnes, Hafslo. The live on the Vedviken farm, no. 69 (179). However, Anne Monsdatter, the half-sister of Thomas, was not born in Urnes. She was born on Eikum. | EIKUM, Anne Monsdatter (I11344)
15448 |
on Finne in Vossestrand according to Steve Walton | HÆVE, Ingjerd Olavsdatter (I36969)
15449 |
on Futseter | Elling Ellingsen (I14019)
15450 |
On Gertrude’s birth certificate, the family is shown to have had one child “born alive and now dead.” Such a child is not listed in the Minnesota birth index. However, the cemetery records show a Howard W. Crowell, “son of J. J. Crowell,” who was born in 1914 and died in 1915 and there is such a Howard in the MHS death index.
He died of whooping cough. | CROWELL, Howard William (I9107)