Matches 15,021 to 15,030 of 22,423
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15021 |
Not listed in Nord-Trøndelag in the 1910 Norwegian census. | AARFALD, Andreas Berntson (I12975)
15022 |
Not listed in SSDI.
In the 1936 Sacramento, California, city directory, he is a machine apprentice for SPCo and lives at 1515 L. Living with him is Willard M and Myrtle Kubler.
In the 1940 census, he is still single and lodging with the Shaw family in Sacramento. He is a railroad machinist. Also lodging in the same household was the 25 year-old Anna Rust or Rurt, a laundress, single, born in Oregon but who had lived in Prescott, Arizona, in 1935.
In the 1945 Sacramento, California, city directory, he and Anne L lived at 664 55th. He was a foreman for SPCo (Southern Pacific Railroad).
In the 1947 Sacramento city directory, he and Ann L live at 664 55th. He is a machinist for SPCo.
Information on his death from the Oregon Death Index. His entry shows spouse’s name as Anne. | KUBLER, Frederick Byron (I7966)
15023 |
Not listed in SSDI. | WENTLAND, Frederick E (I10546)
15024 |
Not listed in SSDI. | FISH, Fern Furl (I227)
15025 |
Not listed in the 1801 census. Shown as age 60 in the 1865 census, at which time he and his wife were living on Digene with Mikkel and his family and Abraham.
Shown as age 26 in his marriage record. | NEERBŸE, Gudbrand Halsteinsen (I2164)
15026 |
Not listed in the 1865 Norwegian census.
Edvard E. Gustad of Kvernes, born 1866, and a Korporal in the Army, emigrated from Kristiansund on 25 June 1891 aboard a Cunard ship bound for Duluth. Notes indicate with permission.
Ed spoke to a WPA interviewer ( N. K. Long) in April of 1939. Some of what transcribed from the interview was erroneous, presumably the fault of the interviewer. In the interview, Ed said that he had started school at the local parish school at age 7 and was confirmed at age 16. “Then he had a short course of high school at Vebensad, Norway, graduation when 17.
“Between the ages of 19 and 22 he went through a military school in Trondhjem, graduated in 1879. He was a corporal in the Norwegian army and served for three years.
“Then he obtained permission to come to America. He reached Duluth in 1891 and soon found himself doing carpenter work for the contractors Everson and Christianson. He stayed there until the spring of 1893.
“Then he moved out to Aitkin County and bought railroad land. He had three brothers, Andrew, Ever, and Halvor who had preceded him and among them they secured the whole half Section 5 in Farm Island Twp. from the railroad company. Edward cleared about 16 acres of his farm, built a house, barn, and granary, and lived there 16 years. He sold this farm in 1910 to a man named Bergman from Carver County. Mr. Bergman lives on this land today.
“Edward’s brothers, Ever and Halvor, lived with their parents on the father’s place. Both are dead. Ever had a family. Two sisters who lived in Duluth are dead and there is one sister still living, Mrs. Peteine Skogan.
“The Gustads moved from Aitkin County to Cuyuna in 1910 and Edward was elected to be the first mayor of Cuyuna. According to Ed, there were then three or four hundred people and six or seven residences.
“He secured contracts and built a store for John Petersborg, the Spaulding Hotel, the other Crosby Hotel, the school house, a bank, and many private homes.
“In 1913 he moved to Crosby. He built the Albert Hummel building, the Will S. Pitt and Co. building, at least 20 houses for Roger Brown Co., an addition to the Crosby bank, and a whole block of residences in the 100s of 2nd Street. Then he moved to Lot 2 on Crosby Beach and built a splendid residence for his family.
“The Gustads belong to the Norwegian-Lutheran church of Deerwood. Politically, they are ‘usually Republican.’ Mr. Gustad was a member of the Farm Island Town Board and was treasurer of school district No. 2 in Aitkin County.
“When asked about the additional building he had done in the county, he mentioned: the N.P. depot at Deerwood in 1915, the sanitarium at Deerwood, the Swartara school, the Tamarack school, the Lawler school, the Autumba school, and the community hospital at Moose Lake. In two years work at Crosby he worked on more than 50 houses. He build 20 houses for Geo. Crosby and all of ‘Honeymoon Row’ which are all yet in use. Sometimes he used a construction crew of as high as 25 or 30 men. He built several residences in Aitkin before Crosby started. He built a store building there for Ed. Howard.”
He also built the Lutheran Church in Deerwood.
He first shows up in the 1892-93 Polk’s City Directory for Duluth as Gustad Edward, carp, bds Andrew Everson, W P. He has the same entry in the 1893-94 directory. He is not in the 1894-95 city directory.
Living in Farm Island township, Aitkin County, next door to his half-brother Ever, at the time of the 1900 census. Shown as 34 years old, born in January of 1866. His occupation is shown as day laborer and he is shown as able to read and write and to speak English. He lives in a house (and not a farm) which he owns, free and clear, no mortgage. He and his wife emigrated to the U.S. in 1894.
In the 1905 state census, “Edd” Gustad lives with his family in Farm Island Twp. The household consists of Edd, 39, a carpenter, Elisa, 39, Margett, 7, Agnes, 9 months, Erick, 76, and Anna, 76. Living next door are the “Mackemans.” The Ever Eversons are no longer living nearby.
Had an appendix operation in Duluth in September of 1906.
Moved to Cuyuna in the spring of 1909 according to a 1910 Duluth Herald article.
In May of 1910, he was building “Dr. R.J. Sewall’s hospital” in Cuyuna.
In July of 1910, he was elected president of the village council in Cuyuna.
Living in Rabbit Lake township, Crow Wing County, at the time of the 1910 census in April of 1910. Shown as age 44, married 15 years, a building contractor.
One of the three incorporators of the Cuyuna Range Publishing Co., incorporated in December of 1911.
Was Cuyuna Village President in 1912.
Was a member, and and an officer, in the Moose Lodge in Crosby as early as February of 1915.
Living in Irondale township, Crow Wing county (ED 123) at the time of the 1920 census (March 9th). Shown as age 53 which agrees with a birthdate in 1866. Immigrated in 1891, naturalized in 1896.
Still living in Irondale township in the 1930 census. The household is shown as not having a radio set.
The 1937-38 and 1939-40 Brainerd city directories, which include other communities in Crow Wing County, lists an Edw Gustad in Irondale.
In the 1940 census, he and “Elesa” lived in Irondale Twp. He was a carpenter and a contractor but he was not employed. He and Elesa had fourth-grade educations.
His death certificate says that he was a building contractor, with wife Elise, and his usual residence was Irondale. The informant for his death certificate was Mrs. Fred Gustad of Crosby. He died of heart problems but he also had chronic intestinal obstructions due to adhesions.
The Duluth newspaper of November, 1915, notes that Edward Gustad had the contract for building the Northern Pacific Railway’s new Deerwood depot.
The Duluth Herald of August 22, 1911, notes that Ed Gustad of Crosby was awarded the contract for two identical schools, one in Crosby and one in Ironton, at a cost of $6000 each.
The “Remember When” columns in the Crosby Courier note some of the buildings that Ed Gustad worked on: an addition to the First National Bank in September, 1927; the Range Tea Company store in July, 1929; the carpentry work on the Koop Funeral Home in September of 1935; and the R. J. Libby home on Serpent Lake in the spring of 1936.
His naturalization records are likely these, under Aitkin County for Edward Gustad:
Reel 1
Volume 1
Code 1
Page 240
Reel 2
Volume 1
Code 7
Page 263 | GUSTAD, Edvard (I123)
15027 |
Not listed in the 1880 census but she was in the 1875 state census. | ELLINGBOE, Maren Berthina (I10946)
15028 |
Not listed in the 1880 census. | LARSON, Maria (I15500)
15029 |
Not listed in the 1880 census. | ELLESTAD, Julia (I1959)
15030 |
Not listed in the 1885 Nebraska census. | RUMERY, Emma (I3047)